Faculty of Computer Science

Research Group Theoretical Computer Science

Oberseminar: Heterogene formale Methoden

Date: 2018, June 6
Author: Predoiu, Livia
Title: Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange


In this talk, I present and study the problem of exchanging probabilistic data between ontology-based data access systems.

Data exchange is a well-known and well-studied framework for translating data residing in a source database under Schema S into a target database under Schema T with the data of the target database satisfying target dependencies. Since its introduction to the database community in 2003, it has been studied thoroughly. An extension which considers probabilistic databases has been introduced in 2009.

In this talk, I extend the original framework and its probabilistic extension with different dependencies introduced in the framework of the Datalog+/- family of lightweight ontology languages. In this way, I lift the classical data exchange problem to ontology-based data exchange. Another contribution of my work is to consider Bayesian networks as an underlying probabilistic model for the probabilistic database together with a compact encoding via boolean formulae.

Besides providing a complete overview of the computational complexity of the problem of deciding whether there exists a probabilistic (universal) solution for a given probabilistic source database relative to a probabilistic ontological data exchange problem, I will also shortly present two results on the complexity of answering UCQs (unions of conjunctive queries) in this framework.

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