Faculty of Computer Science

Research Group Theoretical Computer Science

Oberseminar: Heterogene formale Methoden

Date: 2023, July 11
Time: 12:15 a. m.
Place: G29-018
Author: Gehrke, Björn
Title: Comparing OWL2 DL and FOL Reasoner


One benefit of using OWL2 for ontology development in contrast to FOL is its decidablity. However, the worst time complexity of OWL2 DL is 2-NExpTime, resulting in long runtimes for automated reasoning if certain features are used or combined. Furthermore, ontology developers often require some features inexpressible in OWL2 DL. Therefore, several FOL extensions exist to add support for them. Together this raises the question of why FOL is not used in the first place. This thesis analyses the performance of FOL provers for existing OWL2 DL ontologies and compares them to OWL2 DL reasoners.

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